President’s Message


Welcome to the JLA Blog!  As we continue to try to stay relevant in the ever-changing technical environment, we are moving from the former LOG newsletter to a Blog format. Please subscribe and connect with us online to keep informed of JLA volunteer work, events and fundraisers.

I am thrilled to be sharing this league year with the countless talented, unique and intelligent women in our membership!

I recently watched the movie The Lorax, with my children and found two quotes to be especially meaningful to me from a JLA perspective:

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It’s not” 

“And though it may seem small and insignificant, it’s not about what it is.  It’s about what it can become.”

As we launch our two new community programs, these quotes speak to me.  I am very excited about our upcoming year and the work we all do to improve this community.

Thank all of you for your commitment and dedication to JLA!  I look forward to seeing you soon!
