JLA Diaper Drive

Help us collect 40,000 diapers in 2022 to celebrate 40 years of JLA in Anne Arundel County!
Did you know?*
  • 1 in 3 families across the US have a  diaper need
  • Federal benefits like SNAP and WIC do not cover diaper expenses
  • Babies without clean diapers are less likely to be accepted at daycare, so their parents are unable to go to work
  • A baby needs 6-12 clean diapers per day
  • 5 million children under the age of 3 live in low-income families; the need has only grown during the COVID-19 pandemic
Our partners:
You can purchase from one of our wish lists throughout 2022:
If you have any questions, please reach out to diapers@jlannapolis.org.

Information from National Diaper Bank Network